Course enrolment

To successfully challenge a benefits decision understanding where it fits within this decision making machinery can make all the difference to questions such as: The effective date of the decision (can a sought after increase be paid from a much earlier date for example)Whether the Decision Maker is legally entitled to revisit the decision in the way they have done (for example can they remove entitlement retrospectively)Whether a new claim needs to be made and the effects on ongoing disputes if it is and a new decision is givenWhether the matter can be resolved at all via the usual decision making process or whether judicial review is appropriateWhether the Decision Maker on a new claim can take a different view than previously about an issueThis course explains the jargon and takes a practical, problem-solving approach to navigating the “decision based system” of benefit entitlements set out in Chapter 2 of the Social Security Act 1998. The course covers:Ways a decision can be made and then changed: decisions, revisions and supersessions in overview.Understanding the elements of a decision – determinations, outcome decisions, effect of notification on rights.Relevance of time limits and grounds for revisionsRelevance of time limits and grounds for supersessions (late notification of changes, when notification date is irrelevant)Mandatory reconsideration - where this fits and how it affects appeal rightsMethod of delivery and timingsThis full-day equivalent, experienced-level course, is delivered online via Zoom over two consecutive mornings. It runs from 10am to 1pm on each day, with a half hour break between 11.15-11.45. It is a practical course delivered using a combination of trainer presentation, exercises and group discussion. Participants will need a Wi-Fi connection and a suitable device to access the internet. It is not recommended to join via a mobile phone.  

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